Fragrant Columbine is a delightful Columbine from
the Himalayas. Nodding, creamy flowers have a hint of lavender in the
petals and have a rich, honeysuckle scent. Rootstock is slender,
covered by leaf-stalks of former year in its uppermost part. Stems are
30-80 cm high, branched, with a few spreading hairs near the base,
densely hairy with glands below the flowers. Basal leaves are
2-3-ternate with long hairy stalks. Leaflets are wedge-shaped to
obovate, glaucous, paler and hairy beneath, green and usually hairless
above, 2-3-lobed almost to the base; segments lobed again, 2-4 cm long
and wide. Stem leaves are gradually reduced in size and partition from
the base upwards, the uppermost bract-like with 1-3 lanceshaped,
long-pointed segments. Flowers are several, somewhat horizontal to
slightly nodding. Sepals are 20-30 x 9-12 mm, whitish to purple,
slightly velvety, blunt to pointed. Lamina of petals truncate, 1.5-1.8
x 0.8-1.4 cm, usually paler than sepals, hairy; spur straight or
slightly curved, 1.5-1.8 cm long, about 3 mm wide near base. Follicles
are 5-9, 1.5-2 cm long, densely velvety with or without glandular
hairs. Fragrant Columbine is found at higher altitudes from NW Frontier
Province to Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh, at altitudes of 2400-3600 m.
Flowering: June-August.
Identification credit: Narendra Joshi
Photographed in Lahaul, HP & Ladakh.
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